Sunday, April 19, 2009

Random Ramblings, and a new feature!

I recently Wikied "Fashion in Fiction", just to see what would come up. For reading ideas, etc. While two of the titles that came up (Bergdorf Blondes by Plum Sykes and The Devil Wears Prada by Lauren Weisberger) were completely expected, and were, in fact, books that I'd already read, there was one title by F. Scott Fitzeregald, set in the twenties, called Bernice Bobs Her Hair. This short story was written in 1920 and first published in the Saturday Evening Post in May of that year. It later reappeared in various short story anthologies. Chick lit from the twenties??!!! WOW! I actually found a copy of Bernice online!! And you can read the review here.

On another note, the Wikipedia intro to the search result -- "Novels and short stories with fashion as a topic, theme, setting or some significant element." -- really got me thinking. Now I can think of way more than a paltry three books in this category. So I'm going to start another feature, which, to keep it simple, I'm going to call Fashion in Fiction.

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